Jean-Michel Wilmotte

Jean-Michel Wilmotte


Architecture, urbanisme, design…
Tous les sujets intéressent Jean-Michel Wilmotte. sa passion pour l'art contemporain se reflète dans la diversité de ses projets, allant de la conception de strapontins à la réalisation de stades emblématiques. un changement d’échelle permanent qui lui permet de rester continuellement aux aguets, en accordant une place majeure aux détails.

Architecture, urban planning, design...
All subjects are of interest to Jean-Michel Wilmotte. His passion for contemporary art is reflected in each of his projects, from the design of fold-down seats, to that of emblematic stadiums. A constant changing of scale which keeps him on the cutting edge, and attention to detail is always afforded a starring role. 

This French Legion of Honor holder has a CV as impressive as it is multifaceted, having reworked
the apartments of the Élysée Palace and designed the legendary urban furniture of the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, not to mention overseeing numerous architectural creations and restoration projects across the globe. He tells us about his vision and reflects on his very unique career.

Jean-Michel Wilmotte

Your architecture firm was one of the 50 biggest in the world in 2023. 
What is the secret of your success?

Jean-Michel Wilmotte: I think that one of the most important things is listening to your client. 
It's what allows you to find the best interpretation of their requirements. Then, there are my teams, who are both motivated and motivating. I'm surrounded by high achievers, with varying profiles and cultural backgrounds, who truly reflect the firm's outreach. Finally, the diversity and sheer number of our projects means we constantly face new challenges and must come up with innovative methods, so that we avoid getting trapped inside our comfort zone.

You are an expert in the new, but also in renovation, a major
challenge today. What is your vision as far as that is concerned?

J.M.W.: My vision of renovation – which I like to call a "contemporary graft" – is to breathe life into existing buildings by integrating modern features, while preserving their original essence. It's a junction between past and present, creating synergy between heritage and contemporary architecture. This approach is highly respectful of the buildings' character, history and surroundings, while avoiding pastiche. It's an approach that's resolutely focused on the future.

Jean-Michel Wilmotte

Your work is very varied: train stations, museums, offices, theaters, campuses... 
What are the architectural constants for designing sporting venues?

J.M.W.: The constants for sporting venues are manifold. Firstly, as public event venues, the structures must respect a significant number of strict norms. Secondly, their implantation must allow the best possible access. Sporting venues must also be intelligently planned logistics-wise for optimal crowd flow and functionalitywise to be able to host various events. They must also have an esthetic in tune with the landscape so they fit in harmoniously. Moreover, they must employ the latest technologies in lighting, ventilation and energy-management systems, so as to obtain the best spectator experience and the least environmental impact.

Can you explain the architectural concept behind the Allianz Riviera in Nice?

J.M.W.: We designed the Allianz Riviera Stadium for it to harmoniously and strategically integrate the landscape of the Eco Valley, which is a development project to boost the economy of the Nice-Côte d’Azur metropolis. Our idea was to construct a fragment of the city. So, we opted for a compact "cauldron-type" stadium to reinforce the urban structure. A framework of public spaces and easy-access links was put in place as a continuation of the existing urban fabric and thoroughfares. 
The parking lots were placed underground to allow for gardens and landscaped amenities above ground, linking the ensemble to the rest of the city. As for our architectural choices in the design of the stadium, it started with the idea of impetus, with undulating lines evoking a bird taking flight.

Jean-Michel Wilmotte

Other than the stadium itself, you also designed its fold-down seats. How did your multidisciplinary expertise enhance what you created?

J.M.W.: Multidisciplinary expertise is an asset because it allows us to manage projects in their entirety, which then guarantees overall harmony. It gives us a technological and functional
exactness, which doesn't detract from the esthetic side. Such expertise also gives us the ability to undertake all kinds of projects, without ever having to limit ourselves. Regarding the design of the seats, our team closely studied the industrialization process so as to rationalize their production to a maximum, but also optimize their replacement. They're made from a reinforced material to withstand the strain from soccer fans, anti-UV treated and self-extinguishable. The underside of the seats is red, which is the club color, so they meet both technological and esthetic requirements.

Photo credits: Wilmotte, Serge Demailly, Envol, Jean Grisoni 2024, Jean-Michel Wilmotte

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