Hospital rooms

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NylonClean Comfort removable shower seat - reference 510300N
NylonClean angled grab bar - reference 5481N
SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer - reference H9741TP
Auto-draining device  - reference 880
Chrome-plated shower holder 5 jets - reference 813
Shower handset holder for shower grab bar - reference 510110
Soap-dish for shower grab bar - reference 510120N
SILVER shower hose - reference 836T3

TEMPOFIX 3 frame system with TEMPOFLUX 3 direct flush WC valve - references 564065DE + 763000
Wall-mounted toilet brush set - reference 4051N
NylonClean angled grab bar 135° - reference 5081N
NylonClean drop-down rail - reference 5164N
Wall-mounted toilet roll holder - reference 4081N

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