Page 187 - Accessibility-Hygienic-Accessories
P. 187
Terms and Conditions of Sale /
The schedule of standard deductions is as content online, if such information is stated.
follows: This right should in no way be interpreted
- return less than 1 month: refund at invoiced as a trademark or copyright license for the
price aforementioned content.
- return between 1 and 3 months: deduction of
- return between 3 months and 1 year: deduction In line with the General Data Protection
of 30% Regulation (GDPR), DELABIE is doing everything
- return after 1 year: no refund possible. necessary to limit to a bare minimum the
- return without prior agreement: additional collection of personal data, and its conservation
deduction of 5% of the value of the goods with and ensure its protection.
a minimum value of £50 excl. VAT. DELABIE only uses this data for its own use for
* DELABIE S.A.S. purposes of information and commercialisation
18, rue du Maréchal Foch of its products. It is not, under any circumstances,
80130 Friville Escarbotin – FRANCE given to third parties.
The right of access, rectification, removal and
CLEANING - MAINTENANCE: opposition to the processing in addition to
Clean with slightly soapy water only, using a soft the limitation and transferability of your data
cloth or sponge, rinse and dry thoroughly. Do not is possible on request to our Data Protection
use abrasive or chlorine-based products (with a Officer (DPO) at DELABIE via email (dpo@
hydrochloric acid base), or dyes. or recorded delivery with a photocopy
of a photo ID to the following address:
PHOTOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS: DELABIE, Henderson House, Hithercroft Road,
All photos, drawings or illustrations are for Wallingford, OX10 9DG.
illustrative purposes only, without contractual To improve our services and for training
obligation, and may be subject to change purposes, calls to DELABIE may be recorded.
without notice. We reserve the right to modify These recordings will not be retained, and will be
designs and dimensions without notice and systematically deleted within a maximum period
without recourse. This applies to all references, of 48 hours.
dimensions, information contained in various TERRITORIAL EXCLUSIVITY:
documents, catalogues, installation guides,
price lists and websites, which can be modified Our wholesalers are authorised to sell in
or discontinued at any time without notice. the UK and its offshore territories. For all
other countries, the Company has entered
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND USE OF into exclusive agreements with import and
CONTENT: distribution companies.
In this context, our UK customers cannot sell our
The content (including but not limited to the
information, text, graphics, data, images, products outside their national borders unless
photos, visuals, videos and soundtrack, and they have express agreement from us.
the format of all these elements and our JURISDICTION:
catalogues, websites, etc.) are protected under
copyright and/or other intellectual property. These terms of business are governed by
The contents are the sole property of their English and Welsh law. Acceptance of an order
respective editors. Any copying, reproduction, in stock constitutes a contract under English and
use, adaptation, alteration, modification, Welsh law. All disputes arising from the contract
translation, dissemination, complete or partial, in connection with these terms shall be subject
of content, whether they belong to DELABIE UK to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Court,
Limited or a third party which has granted the even if there is an appeal and there are multiple
rights to DELABIE UK Limited, by any means defendants, and regardless of the delivery
whatsoever, is illegal except for the limiting location or stipulated payment. The Company
rights that are granted below, and/or private may vary these terms of business from time to
copying for the exclusive use of the copier. The time by giving you reasonable written notice. All
content presented in our communication and clauses to the contrary will be considered void by
the mere fact of having dealt with our company.
business tools may be subject to change without
notice and are provided without warranty of any
kind, express or implied, and cannot give rise to
any right to compensation. Protected content
may be specifically identified by the following
copyright notices: © or “All rights reserved”.
The names and logos appearing in our catalogues
and websites are registered trademarks. These
distinctive marks are the exclusive property of
DELABIE UK Limited or third parties who have
granted the rights to DELABIE UK Limited.
Any use, complete or partial reproduction, or
imitation of these marks is prohibited without
prior express consent of DELABIE UK Limited.
Alteration and modification of the contents
or their use for any purpose other than that
authorised, constitute an infringement of
DELABIE UK Limited’s, or a third party’s,
property rights. With the following limitations,
DELABIE UK Limited grants you the right to
download and distribute the content:
- where the download function exists
- for non-commercial purposes
- in good faith
- for maintaining the proprietary notices intact,
and for the publication or posting of existing
Copy forbidden without our written agreement.
DELABIE UK Limited Reg No: 1764854 England