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Terms and Conditions of Sale

            Unless  otherwise  agreed  in  writing  these  according to agreed credit terms.   maintenance guides;
            conditions  constitute  the  only  conditions  upon  In the case of late payment a cash payment may   - other  factors  independent  of  our  products’
            which  DELABIE  UK  Ltd.  (“The  Company”)  is  be required, replacing existing conditions.  quality,  for  example:  detergents  or  abrasive
            willing to supply the goods specified.  We  will  not  accept  any  set-off,  only  our  assets  cleaning  products,  the  action  of  hard  water,
                                                have a legal value.                  foreign  bodies  (e.g.,  gravel,  sand,  iron
            The Company does not sell directly to                                    filings,  scale,  etc.),  chemical  and  electrolytic
            members of the public:              DELIVERY TIMES:                      phenomenon;
            - The price list is provided for guidance only and   Despatch dates are indicative only and we shall   - lack  of  supervision,  poor  storage  or  poor
             does not constitute a contract. The wholesalers   not  be  liable  for  any  delay  or  failure  in  carrying  maintenance;
             and installers are free to determine their prices   out our obligations where the delay or failure to   - product  modifications  or  actions  by  the
             in accordance with current regulations, taking   deliver  is  caused  by  risks  of  manufacturing  or  customer,  or  a  third  party,  without  our
             into account their costs, services and warranty   where the cause is beyond our control. Delivery   authorisation using non-DELABIE components
             costs they bear.                   delay will not give rise to compensation payment
            - The  Terms  and  Conditions  are  valid  for  all  or goods rejection.  and/or consumable items.
             wholesale customers.                                                   - errors,  carelessness,  negligence  or  incorrect
            For  all  other  professionals  (manufacturers,  SHIPPING:               information from the client;
            export,  etc.)  or  for  any  special  manufacturing  Orders  are  sent  to  our  distributors.  We  do  not  - products past their expiry date.
            request, please contact us.         deliver to site. The buyer assumes responsibility   The  water-tightness  of  connections,  joints  and
                                                for  carriage  and  packing  costs  for  deliveries  the  product  housing  is  the  responsibility  of  the
            ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS:              outside  mainland  UK.  The  carrier  is  solely  professional  responsible  for  installation,  and
            These will be processed in order of receipt.  responsible  for  their  delivery,  and  in  the  event  must be guaranteed by them. Warranty excludes
            We do not accept open orders or orders for call-  of  delay,  missing  items,  damage  or  other  joints,  valves,  washers  and  rubber  seals.
            off.                                dispute, the customer must indicate this via the   However they would be supplied if the warranty
            All orders sent imply acceptance of our general   delivery driver’s paperwork (either electronically   application  requires  them.  Any  finishes  other
            terms  and  conditions  of  sale  and  customers  or  in  hard  copy)  AND  follow  up  with  written  than chrome or nickel are also excluded from the
            waive any claims that may arise from clauses in   notification  sent  by  recorded  delivery  within    warranty.
            their own documentation which may differ.   72 hours. A copy of this letter must be addressed   In  the  event  that  the  product  has  been
            The  customer  agrees  to  these  terms  from  the  to us.              discontinued  or  manufacturing  methods  have
            moment that we receive the order, which cannot                          changed  and  replacements  are  not  available,
            be  cancelled.  Orders  are  accepted  without  CLAIMS:                 similar  alternative  products  will  be  offered.
            obligation  to  deliver  the  order  in  full  in  one  No  claim  will  be  allowed  where  the  delay  in  Replacement under warranty will not extend the
            delivery.                           reporting exceeds 7 days following receipt of the   duration of the original warranty.
            Our  commercial  representatives  are  not  goods.
            authorised  to  agree  additional  terms  verbally,  The  whole  of  the  delivery  cannot  be  rejected  The supplier’s civil liability is excluded in all cases
            or  to  provide  verbal  guarantees  beyond  those  because of partial damages and shortages.  listed above. It is limited to compliance with the
            provided in the written contract.                                       specifications  and  can  only  be  initiated  if  the
            In the event of default or delayed payment, the   PROPERTY IN GOODS:    Customer  has  previously  demonstrated  the
            Company  will  be  entitled  to  suspend  deliveries  Notwithstanding  any  agreed  terms  of  sale,  the  existence and extent of damage, a fault and the
            or  cancel  existing  orders  without  any  claim  for  goods  shall  remain  the  property  of  the  seller  causal link between this fault and the damage.
            damages from the customer.          until payment is made in full. The failure to meet   It is limited to direct material damage, excluding
            In the event of a change in circumstances of the   a payment deadline may result in the reclamation   all  immaterial  or  indirect  damage  such  as  loss
            buyer,  we  reserve  the  right  to  cancel  existing  of  these  goods.  The  buyer  assumes  the  risks  of  operation,  profit,  opportunity,  commercial
            orders or to demand payment guarantees.   of  loss  or  damage,  regardless  of  the  means  of  damage, loss of profit.
            Our  quotes  do  not  amount  to  specifications;  delivery,  as  described  in  “DELIVERY  TIMES”  The  supplier’s  liability,  for  all  causes  except
            specifiers  and  professional  installers  are  solely  and “SHIPPING” above, as well as liability for the   bodily  injury  and  gross  negligence,  is  limited  to
            responsible for the choice of products according   damage they might cause.  £650,000 per order or contract.
            to  their  intended  use,  current  regulations  and
            recommended guidelines.             WARRANTY AND RESPONSIBILITY:        SPARE PARTS:
                                                Our  finished  goods  delivered  after  1 st  January
            PRICE:                              2024 are warrantied against any manufacturing   Spare parts and mechanisms that are essential
            Deliveries  are  invoiced  according  to  the  defect  for  a  period  of  30  years,  including  to ensure the correct operation of our products
                                                                                    will be held in stock for 50 years from the date
            conditions in place at the date of despatch. Prices   electronic  controls,  excluding  other  electrical
            are  given  without  guarantee  and  they  may  be  accessories (e.g., hand dryers, etc.) which have a   of  purchase.  They  are  listed  at  the  back  of  our
            changed  without  notice  subject  to  fluctuations  3-year warranty from the invoice date. This does   catalogues.
            in  costs,  VAT  or  other  taxes,  according  to  the  not apply to products with an expiry date. Spare   RETURNS:
            prevailing economic conditions.     parts have a one-year warranty.
            Price  increases  will  be  announced  one  month  This  warranty  is  limited  to  replacement  or  Goods  may  not  be  returned  to  us  for  credit
            prior  to  their  application,  and  they  apply  to  repair  of  defective  components  as  determined  without  our  prior  written  approval  obtained
            quotes and orders in hand.          by  our  workshops  in  France  but  excludes  the  by  the  buyer  from  the  Company  and  they  are
            Orders will be despatched free-of-charge for all   costs  of  spoilage,  handling  and  carriage  or  received  in  a  good  state  (determined  by  our
            deliveries within mainland UK, excluding express   compensation,  whatever  they  are.  We  are  not  goods  inwards  department).  All  transportation
            deliveries.                         responsible for handling charges and the cost of   costs  for  returned  goods  must  be  paid  by  the
                                                returning products to our workshops.  buyer.  Goods  must  be  returned  to  our  factory*
            PAYMENTS:                           Disasters  or  major  water  damage  as  a  result  with good protective packaging.
            Unless otherwise stated, prices quoted are ex-  of  manufacturing  defects  are  covered  by  our  Deliveries less than a month old will be refunded
            works and are exclusive of value added tax. All   product and/or public liability insurance.   at the invoiced price. For deliveries older than one
            prices will be subject to any value added tax at   To  invoke  the  warranty,  the  customer  must  month,  a  deduction  will  be  made  for  checking,
            the  appropriate  rate.  Payment  terms,  subject  immediately  notify  us  in  writing  of  the  defects  handling and administration costs. A repair and
            to  credit  approval  and  prior  agreement,  are  attributed  to  the  product,  specifying  the  re-stocking fee will apply where appropriate.
            strictly 30 days from invoice date. According to   conditions  of  use  in  place  at  the  time  of  their  Product  returns  are  not  permitted  in  the
            individual  credit  conditions  and/or  insurance  discovery  and  provide  us  with  all  relevant  following circumstances: discontinued products,
            requirements  The  Company  reserves  the  right  material  elements  demonstrating  the  existence
            to  request  payment  in  advance  of  despatch  and nature of the defect.  specially  manufactured  products,  technical  or
            of  goods  on  receipt  of  order.  We  do  not  give  Our warranty and responsibility does not include   aesthetic evolution of the product since the date
            discounts for early payment.        the following:                      of  purchase,  scratched  or  damaged  products,
            The  company  understands  and  will  exercise  - installation  that  does  not  comply  with  the  products  purchased  more  than  one  year
            its  statutory  right  to  claim  interest  and  technical specification or current recommended   previously, products with an expiry date. If sent to
            compensation for debt recovery costs under the   guidelines;            DELABIE, those products outside the scope of
            Late  Payment  of  Commercial  Debts  (interest)  - worn parts;         returns will be immediately destroyed/recycled,
            Act  1998  legislation  if  invoices  are  not  paid  - non-compliance  with  installation,  user  and  and will not be returned to the customer.
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