Page 262 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
P. 262

/ Sanitary technical data


         In order to determine the simultaneous coefficient, apply the recommendations from the DTU.
         Supply direct flush systems separately.

                                                                          SIPHON ACTION
                                  BASINS        SHOWERS       URINALS                             WC
            Base flow rate (Q min.)  0.05 L/sec.  0.10 L/sec.  0.15 L/sec.  0.25 L/sec.           1 L/sec.
                                                                                       3 valves installed:
                                                                                       1 valve operating
                                                                                       4 to 12 valves installed:
                                                                                       2 valves operating
                                         *             *             *             *
               Simultaneous        0.8            0.8           0.8           0.8      13 to 24 valves installed:
               coefficient (Y)      (x-1)          (x-1)         (x-1)         (x-1)    3 valves operating
                                                                                       25 to 50 valves installed:
                                                                                       4 valves operating
                                                                                       more than 50 valves installed:
                                                                                       5 valves operating.
             Design velocity (V)                                    2 m/sec.
         *The formula presented here is with regards to general use.
         In the event of intensive use due to spikes in consumption (schools during break time, stadiums during half time, etc.), consult the project manager in order to establish the adequate
         level of simultaneity.
         The constant of 0.8 can therefore be increased to a maximum of 2.

         1.  Collect installation data for each branch         Probable flow rate
         Example:                                              Then multiply the gross flow rate (Q) with the simultaneous
                                                                coefficient (Y) in order to determine the probable flow rate.
           A                     figure A                  B
                                                               Gross flow rate (Q)  Simultaneous coefficient (Y)    Design flow rate
                                                                  1.65 L/sec. x        0.8            0.30 L/sec.
                                                                                         (21 1)
                                                                • CD branch: Direct flush systems
                                                                Gross flow rate: 1 L/sec.

                                                                                   Branch  Number of fittings
           D                                              C
                                                                                    CD        12 WC
                 15 basins     6 urinals      12 WCs

                                                               Simultaneous coefficient
         2.  Calculate the design flow rate per installation branch
                                                               For direct flush, follow the recommendations in table 2.
         Add the base flow rates from the different fittings.    For 12 flush valves installed, there will only be 2 used simultaneously.
         See Q min. calculation table 2.
           • ABC branch: basins & urinals                      Probable flow rate
           Gross flow rate                                       Min. flow rate  Number of valves counted  Probable flow rate
                            Number of   Min. flow rate  Gross flow rate  1 L/sec. x
                    Branch                                                            2                 2 L/sec.
                             fittings    (Q min.)     (Q)
                      AB     15 basins x                      0.75 L/sec.  3.  Choice of pipework diameter:
                                       0.05 L/sec.
                                                                 using the DARIES Abacus chart
                                       0.15 L/sec.
                      BC     6 urinals x                      0.9 L/sec.  Reading the DARIES ABACUS
                                                               Mark the design flow rate and the design velocity, join these points
                                                               with a ruler.
                                      Gross flow rate
                            21 fittings   (Q min.)     1.65 L/sec.  The diameter and pressure drops can now be read on
                                                               the corresponding scales.
         Simultaneous coefficient
                                                                • ABC branch: basins & urinals
         To determine the simultaneous coefficient, follow
         the recommendations in table 2 and apply the formula:  (V) Design velocity = 2 m/sec.
                                                                (Q) Design flow rate = 0.30 L/sec.
          Y =                                                   - Ø minimum interior of final horizontal pipework: 14mm

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