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/ Certification

           WATER REGULATIONS                                     TMV3 SCHEME

           All sanitary fittings that deliver water from a public mains water supply   The TMV scheme is an independent third party approval scheme
           must comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (1999)   administered by BuildCert. The scheme certifies that Type 3
           or Scottish Bylaws.                                  thermostatic mixing valves conform to performance requirements
           These fittings must be of an 'appropriate quality and standard'    of the NHS specification D08 in Healthcare and Commercial
           and must not contaminate the water or cause wastage.    applications in the UK.
           Products that are WRAS approved demonstrate this compliance    BuildCert also certifies Type 2 thermostatic mixing valves destined
           and are recognised by all water suppliers in the UK.  for use in domestic applications to ensure the safe use of hot water
                                                                in domestic premises.

                                                                        WRAS               BuildCert
             Reference                      Product                              Expiry Date        Expiry Date Page
                                                                       Certificate          Certificate
           30250        BIOFIL 2M non-sterile tap filter, shower flow   WRAS2106051  30/06/2026                  141
           30251        BIOFIL 2M non-sterile tap filter, straight flow  WRAS2106051  30/06/2026                 141
           30261        BIOFIL 2M non-sterile screw-in shower filter   WRAS2106051  30/06/2026                  141
           30350        BIOFIL 3M non-sterile tap filter, shower flow   WRAS2106052  30/06/2026                  141
           30351        BIOFIL 3M non-sterile tap filter, straight flow  WRAS2106052  30/06/2026                 141
           30361        BIOFIL 3M non-sterile screw-in shower filter   WRAS2106052  30/06/2026                  141
           30450        BIOFIL 4M non-sterile tap filter, shower flow   WRAS2106052  30/06/2026                  141
           30451        BIOFIL 4M non-sterile tap filter, straight flow  WRAS2106052  30/06/2026                 141
           30461        BIOFIL 4M non-sterile screw-in shower filter   WRAS2106052  30/06/2026                  141
           311QU1       Swan neck fountain tap M3/8"                 WRAS240802002 31/08/2029                  72
           312QU1       Bubbler tap chromed M3/8" for fountain       WRAS240802002 31/08/2029                  72
           37801515     BINOPTIC basin tap Ø15 for comp. fitting 230/12V + trans  WRAS1912055  Renewal          41
           378035       BINOPTIC basins M3/8" matte black mains 230/12V  NEW      Ongoing                      41
           378MCH15     BINOPTIC MIX basin mixer Ø15 for CF mains 230/12V + trans  WRAS1912055  Renewal        41
           378MCHB      BINOPTIC MIX basins M3/8" matte black mixer mains 230/12V  NEW  Ongoing                41
           379D1315     BINOPTIC c-w 190 basin tap Ø15 for CF spout L135 mains +trans  WRAS1910041  Renewal    40
           379DER15     BINOPTIC c-w 190 basin tap Ø15 for CF spout L205 mains +trans  WRAS1910041  Renewal    40
           379DERB      BINOPTIC basin tap M3/8" c-wall 190 matte blk spt L.205 mains  WRAS1910041  Renewal    40
           379ENC15     BINOPTIC rec basin tap Ø15 for CF spout L200 mains + trans  WRAS1910041  Renewal       40
           379ENCB      BINOPTIC basins M3/8" rec. tap matte black spout L.200mm mains  WRAS1910041  Renewal   40
           379MCH15     BINOPTIC MIX c-wall 110 basin mix Ø15 for CF mains + trans  WRAS1910041  Renewal       40
           379MCHB      BINOPTIC MIX basins M3/8" mix matt black CW110 mains230/12V  WRAS1910041  Renewal      40
           38801515     BINOPTIC basin tap Ø15 for CF H.170mm 230/12V mains supply  WRAS2003049  31/03/2025    41
           388035       BINOPTIC basins M3/8" matte black tap H. 170mm mains 230/12V  NEW  Ongoing             41
           388MCHB      BINOPTIC basins M3/8" matte black mixer H. 170mm mains 230/12V  NEW  Ongoing           41
           388MCHLH15   BINOPTIC MIX basin Ø15 for CF H.170mm mixer 230/12V mains  WRAS2003049  31/03/2025     41
           39801515     BINOPTIC basin Ø15 for CF H.250mm tap 230/12V mains supply  WRAS2003049  31/03/2025    41
           398035       BINOPTIC basins M3/8" matte black tap H. 250mm mains 230/12V  NEW  Ongoing             41
           398MCHB      BINOPTIC basins M3/8" matte black mixer H. 250mm mains 230/12V  NEW  Ongoing           41
           398MCHLH15   BINOPTIC MIX basin Ø15 for CF H.250mm mixer 230/12V mains  WRAS2003049  31/03/2025     41
           430000       TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed urinal st steel satin 230/6V kit 2/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028    163
           430006       TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed urinal st steel satin 6V battery kit 2/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028  163
           430010       TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed urinal pol st steel 230/6V kit 2/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028      163
           430016       TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed urinal pol st steel 6V battery kit 2/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028  163
           430030       TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed urinal black glass 230/6V kit2/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028        163
           430036       TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed urinal black glass 6V battery kit2/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028    163
           430PBOX      TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed elect urinal F1/2" 6V batteries kit 1/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028  163
           430SBOX      TEMPOMATIC 4 recessed electronic urinal F1/2" 230/6V kit 1/2  WRAS2309028 30/09/2028  163
           44000615     TEMPOMATIC 4 basin tap M1/2" 6V batteries 15mm + stopcock  WRAS2303051  31/03/2028     23
           44000615     TEMPOMATIC 4 basin tap M1/2" 6V batteries 15mm + stopcock  WRAS2303051  31/03/2028     23
           443406       TEMPOMATIC 4 wall mounted basin tap M1/2" 6V batteries L.130  WRAS2204045 30/04/2027   25
           443506       TEMPOMATIC 4 wall mounted basin tap M1/2" 6V batteries L190  WRAS2204045 30/04/2027    25
           44900015     TEMPOMATIC 5 basin tap M1/2" rec mains supply Ø15 +stopcock  WRAS240202041 28/02/2029  43
           44900115     TEMPOMATIC 5 basin tap M1/2" UK mains plug Ø15 + stopcock  WRAS240202041 28/02/2029    43
           44900615     TEMPOMATIC 5 basin tap M1/2" 6V batteries 15mm + stopcock  WRAS240202041 28/02/2029    43
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