Page 148 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
P. 148
/ Solutions for thermostatic mixing valves
Designed for public and commercial applications, Reliability
PREMIX thermostatic mixing valves deliver a The thermostatic cell of the PREMIX is located in the
highly stable blend of mixed water at the desired heart of the mixing chamber, which enables it to have
temperature. superior sensitivity to any variations in pressure or
They enable simultaneous supply to one or more flow rate in the system. It optimises the regulation of
sanitary points-of-use (depending on the model both hot and cold water supplies.
chosen) for showers, basins, etc.
Temperature stability Precise temperature control
Fast to react, they constantly regulate the hot water PREMIX valves are supplied pre-calibrated
temperature in the system. and are precise to the exact degree recommended
for the flow range. The chosen temperature
Innovative, they benefit from PREMIX technology can be locked by the installer.
(thermo-reactive cell) which has indisputable
performance advantages over existing technologies Minimal pressure loss
(bi-metal, dual controls, etc.). The PREMIX mechanism (without hydraulic relays)
enables direct circulation of water between inlets and
Comfort outlets. This reduces the pressure loss and optimises
PREMIX thermostatic mixing valves ensure a constant flow rate capacity of the system (ensuring excellent
temperature regardless of variations in pressure performance at low, medium or high pressures).
Anti-scalding safety or flow rate in the system: they respond immediately
to any changes. Minimal servicing
PREMIX anticipates all variations in temperature The internal working is designed to be as simple
and corrects them for the user. as possible with few moving parts. The PREMIX
is manufactured with scale and corrosion resistant
Anti-scalding safety mechanisms.
PREMIX thermostatic mixing valves include an It is recommended that preventive checks be carried
automatic safety feature ensuring that the hot water out on the calibration and anti-scalding safety at least
supply shuts off if the cold water supply fails. twice a year.
They also provide temperature limitation thanks
to an adjustable index ring. Quick and low cost maintenance
PREMIX thus eliminates any risk of scalding. Cartridges are simple and can be changed from
Preventive and permanent the front without having to remove the whole mixing
solution against Legionella
Preventive and permanent solutions against valve. Filters and non-return valves are accessible
Legionnaires’ disease from the exterior without having to remove
The Health and Safety Executive's guidance HSG 274 the mechanism.
Part 2 (2014) recommends maintaining the hot water Comprehensive range
YEAR temperature permanently above 50°C at all points in DELABIE offers a full range of products, from
the system in order to prevent any risk of Legionella
group thermostatic mixing valves (COMFORT and
bacteria proliferation.
Water must be mixed as close as possible to points- SECURITY models), to smaller sizes designed
WARRANTY for fewer points-of-use (COMPACT and NANO
PREMIX contributes to preventing any risk of models). There are thus PREMIX solutions for all
bacterial proliferation. types of layouts.
30-year warranty against any manufacturing defects
50 years repairability.
The thermostatic cell in the heart of the mixing chamber reacts rapidly to every temperature
Control knob variation. Constantly in motion, it expands and contracts with changes in the flow rate
Thermal shock and temperature to control a sliding valve that opens and closes the hot and cold water inlets.
Temperature Thermostatic cell
limiter • As the mixed water temperature • As the mixed water temperature • If there is a cold water supply
rises, the thermostatic cell falls, the thermostatic cell failure, the thermostatic cell
expands and pushes contracts and the sliding valve expands instantly
the sliding valve down. is pushed upwards by and the sliding valve closes
This immediately restricts the balancing spring. the hot water inlet. The hot
the passage of hot water It immediately restricts water flow is stopped within
and opens the cold inlet. the passage of cold water 3 seconds preventing the
Non return Mixing Non return
valve+filter chamber valve+filter and opens the hot inlet. user from being scalded.
146 Thermostatic mixing valves