Page 146 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
P. 146

/ Solutions for thermostatic mixing valves


          What is Legionnaires’ disease?                       Current curative treatments are ineffective
          It is a serious respiratory infection caused by a bacterium:   - Chemical shocks: a chlorine injection 50 mg/L for
          Legionella. The illness which follows, Legionnaires' disease,    1 hour (HSE guidance); ≥ 10 mg/L for 8 hours (WHO).
          is fatal in 15 20% of cases.                         - Thermal shocks: circulating hot water at 60°C
                                                                for 60 minutes (in Europe: 70°C for 30 minutes).
          Legionella is a system bacterium which develops in warm water in
          pipework or cisterns. It only becomes dangerous when inhaled when   • A short term effect:
          it may spread into the lungs and rapidly develop in white blood cells.  The system can be very quickly recolonised within 3 4 weeks.
                                                                The inside of the pipework is covered by a biofilm: a sort of gel
          Legionnaires' disease is more likely to affect adults, especially older   which bacteria stick to, feed on and proliferate in.
          smokers and people with respiratory problems or weak immune systems.   The biofilm protects them and enables them to withstand
                                                                temperature variations (thermal shocks) and biocide products
          Legionnaires' disease is treated with antibiotics.    (chemical shocks).
          The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the alert level
          for Legionella starts at 1,000 Colony Forming Units (CFU) per litre    During curative treatments, the risk is not only that the bacteria will
          of water (250 for hospitals). The UK alert level is 100 CFU/L.  get used to the treatment and thus develop their resistance to it,
                                                                but above all will provoke detachment of bacteria aggregates which
          Which installations are at risk?                      will be deposited closer to the water outlet and thus, to the user.
          Legionellae develop in stagnant water between 25 45°C, with an
          optimum temperature between 30 37°C. Humid areas with scale,   • Negative effect in distribution networks and drainage systems
          mud or which have been affected by corrosion are more prone    They are not necessarily designed to withstand temperatures
          to Legionella development.                            above 60°C or significant quantities of chlorine. They can cause
                                                                corrosion or premature ageing of the distribution and drainage
          Environments at risk include hot water systems, cooling towers,   system.
          health resorts, water fountains, shower rooms, spas, etc.
                                                               • High risk for the user
                                                                During the treatment, the user is exposed to high risks:
                                           Contamination source
                                           unknown              - 3  degree burns in the case of a thermal shock.
                                                                - Poisoning in the case of chemical shock treatment.
           Buildings open
           to the public    9%                                 • Costly and difficult operation to undertake
           (swimming pools, stadiums, etc.)                     Curative treatments are difficult to undertake fully at all points
                              6%     1%  6%                     in the system (various deposits, dead-legs, heat loss, etc.).
                                  9%   4%
                                                                They require the water supply to be out-of-service and the
                                                                mobilisation of maintenance staff.
                  Other                          Hospitals
                                              Care homes
                 Temporary                    for the elderly  To avoid these treatments it is important to act on four levels:
                 residences     Hotels,    Thermal
                 (rented accommodation, B&Bs, etc.)            - Avoid dead-legs and water stagnation.
                                campsites  spas
                                                               - Regularly maintain the system to prevent corrosion or scaling.
          Source: Public Health France 2022
                                                               - Produce and store hot water at a high temperature
                                                                that will prohibit bacterial proliferation.
          Development of Legionella per temperature
                                                               - Maintain the temperature in the system with a circulating loop
                                                                and mix the water as close as possible to the point-of-use.
          Temperature              Development of Legionella
          < 20°C                   Dormant                     Capacity and length of pipework
          25 45°C                  Multiplies                                                Pipe length for a capacity of
                                                               Material      Pipe dimension
          50°C                     90% die within 2 hours                                    3 litres    1 litre
                                                                                 15   1       22m         7m
          60°C                     90% die within 2 minutes
                                                               Copper            18   1       15m         5m
                                                                                 22   1       9m          3m
          Source: CSTC Belgium November 2002
                                                                                 DN 15        17m         5m
                                                               Galvanised steel
                                                                                 DN 20        10m         3m
                                                                                15   2.5      38m         12m
                                                               PEX/PER plastic
                                                                                18   2.5      22m         7m
                                                                                20   1.9      14m         4m
                                                               PR plastic
                                                                                25   1.9      8m          2m

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