Page 15 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
P. 15
Water quality regulations /
France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the majority of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, considered the third largest cause of
European countries, each has their own specific regulatory fatal nosocomial infections, is also being monitored. In France there
requirements for monitoring bacteria in water systems. aren't any regulations. Nevertheless, the technical guide
"Water in healthcare establishments", drawn up in 2005
These regulations have a common premise (circulating by a working group under the aegis of the Ministry of
loops, hot water temperatures, etc.) but they also have 4.3 million Health, mentions the monitoring levels for Bacillus
specific aspects that could provide inspiration healthcare acquired pyocaneus (Pseudomonas).
for other countries. infections in Europe This guide recommends quarterly checks of points
In the majority of European countries there is a legal of which where water is considered to be representative of
obligation to safeguard the bacteriological quality the actual quality of distributed water.
of the water in the system by regular monitoring, 90,000 The Department of Health and Social Care
sampling and analysis. However, the methods, (DHSC), Ministry of Health for the United Kingdom,
and subsequent follow-up action, differ. are fatal has addressed the issue of tap and water system
contamination by this bacteria.
In France, the search for legionella is obligatory.
The Directive of 1 February 2010 identifies three levels The Health Technical Memorandum (HTM 04 01), updated
of monitoring and sampling protocols. Since 1 January 2012, in 2016, provides guidance on best practice for monitoring
monitoring has been extended to all buildings open to the public. and testing for these two pathogens, and identifying the level
Germany has adopted the same threshold levels as France, while of contamination in water, to ensure compliance with current
the United Kingdom is stricter: it conducts additional testing regulations.
at levels over 100 Colony Forming Units per litre (CFU/L) 47% For Pseudomonas aeruginosa, action is initiated as
and initiates curative procedures above 1,000 CFU/L. soon as the alert level is reached, that is to say,
of cases above 1 CFU/100mL.
The French Directive of 30 December, 2022, requires of legionnaires
certain priority buildings open to the public to conduct In Germany, in the framework of monitoring
an assessment of the risks associated with their disease are in public for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, hospitals and healthcare
sanitary installations. The goal is to focus monitoring on or commercial establishments must test twice a year.
the sensitive points identified during the risk assessment places The satisfactory level is 0 CFU/100mL.
to improve the quality of water intended for human
consumption. Emphasis is placed on the lead limit level Remember that this bacteria which colonises the system from
(10 g/l) and the presence of legionella. the interior of tap/mixer spouts, rapidly becomes entrenched.
If no solution is put in place once Pseudomonas aeruginosa is
Legionella testing must be carried out in compliance with the established in a mixer or tap, it will progressively colonise the tails
directive of the 1 February, 2010. The rules of this new directive and pipework. At this stage it will be impossible to eradicate and will
have been applicable since the 1 January 2023, for new buildings become a threat to the whole system.
and by the 1 January 2029, at the latest for existing ones.
Regardless of which materials the pipework and water
controls are made from, biofilm will form in all sanitary
installations after a few weeks or months of operation.
This biofilm is the source of one third of nosocomial
illnesses. According to the National Institute for Health
and Care Excellence (NICE, 2023), it is estimated that
300,000 patients in England acquire a nosocomial
infection as a result of care within the National Health
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
(ECDC) calculates that healthcare-acquired infections
affect 4.3 million patients every year and are responsible in BIOFILM Free-floating
for over 90,000 deaths annually. bacteria
99,5% 0,5%
Not forgetting that non-healthcare buildings that are
open to the public are also at high risk. According to
statistics by the French Public Health Board, 28% of
Legionella cases identified in 2022 were linked to visits Hotels, tourist accommodation, campsites,
to hotels, tourist accommodation, campsites, swimming
pools and sports stadia, compared to 11% linked to swimming pools, stadiums, etc.
healthcare facilities (hospitals, retirement homes, etc.). are equally high risk.
Solutions for Public and Commercial Places 13