Page 280 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
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/ Reference index

          REF.     DESCRIPTION                     £  Excl. VAT   P.   REF.  DESCRIPTION               £  Excl. VAT   P.
          779128   TEMPOSTOP recessed urinal valve FF1/2" ~7sec + wall plate   157.04     180  792344DP  Replaced by 792344   -   -
          779421   Replaced by 779427                   -   -  792350  Replaced by 792380                   -   -
          779427   TEMPOSTOP rec urinal valve FF1/2" ~7sec time flow + plate   174.42     180  792354  Replaced by 792344   -   -
          785000   Stall waste + integ siphon, vertical outlet Ø40 with nut   44.58     184  792354CF  Replaced by 792344   -   -
          790000   TEMPOMIX exposed shower mixer M3/4" ~30sec time flow   266.46     123  792354DP  Replaced by 792344   -   -
          790001   *TEMPOMIX exp shwr mxr kit ~30s time flow (stock then 794450)   435.14     -  792370  SECURITHERM therm alu shower panel top inlets handset ~30sec    1,021.15     99
          790006   Replaced by 794450                   -   -  792380  SECURITHERM therm alu sh panel hidden inlets handset + fix   1,038.95     99
          790008   *TEMPOMIX exp shwr mxr kit ~30s +elbw union (stock thn 794450)   496.30     -  79239015  SECURITHERM alu shower panel top inlets Ø15 handset + fix   1,048.08     99
          790152   Aluminium extension for shower panel   210.84     136  79240015  SECURITHERM therm alu sh panel 6V battery-op  top inlets Ø15   1,123.62     85
          790153   Stainless steel telescopic extension for shower panel   375.25     136  792403  *SECURITHERM st.s thrm pnl 6V batt tp inlt (stck thn 792504)   1,301.78     -
          790204   TEMPOMIX st steel shower panel top inlets ~30sec + soap dish   972.75     105  792403CF  Replaced by 792504   -   -
          790204   TEMPOMIX st steel shower panel top inlets ~30sec + soap dish   972.75     105  792403DP  Replaced by 792504   -   -
          790204CF  Replaced by 790204                  -   -  79240415  Replaced by 792504                 -   -
          790204CF  Replaced by 790204                  -   -  792404CF  Replaced by 792504                 -   -
          790204DP  Replaced by 790204                  -   -  792404DP  Replaced by 792504                 -   -
          790204DP  Replaced by 790204                  -   -  792410UK  SECURITHERM therm alu shower panel UK 6V batt-op back inlets   1,123.62     85
          790214   *TEMPOMIX st steel sh.panel + soap dish (stock then 790204)   972.75     105  792413  Replaced by 792514   -   -
          790218   TEMPOMIX recessed shower mixer waterproof Kit2/2 (+790BOX)   353.97     122  792413CF  Replaced by 792514   -   -
          790219   TEMPOMIX recessed sh mixer waterproof Kit2/2 ROUND (+790BOX)   457.21     122  792413DP  Replaced by 792514   -   -
          79030015  TEMPOMIX alu shower panel top inlets Ø15 comp fit ~30sec   778.91     104  792414  Replaced by 792514   -   -
          79030515  *TEMPOMIX alu shwr pan. top inlets+soap dish(stk thn 79030015)   814.63     104  792414CF  Replaced by 792514   -   -
          790310   TEMPOMIX aluminium shower panel mixer hidden inlets ~30sec   769.80     104  792414DP  Replaced by 792514   -   -
          79035015  TEMPOMIX alu shower panel top inlets Ø15 mixer + handset   920.27     104  792452  *SECURITHERM elec therm shwr rec wtrprf kit (stck then 443218)   845.54     -
          790425   TEMPOMIX rec shower mixer M1/2" Ø15 ~30sec time flow + plate   340.47      -   792459  *SECURITHERM elect therm sh mix rec +ROUND (stck then 443219)   953.77     -
          790427   TEMPOMIX rec shower mixer M1/2" Ø14 ~30sec time flow + plate   340.47     123  792504  SECURITHERM st st therm shower panel 230/6V top inlet +soap   1,378.71     87
          790709   TEMPOMIX recessed/plate shower mixer kit M1/2" + ROUND   448.70     123  792514  SECURITHERM SS therm shower panel 230/6V back inlets + soap   1,378.71     87
          790712   *TEMPOMIX rec shower kit M1/2 +TONIC JET(whl stk thn 790709)   463.16     -  792BOX  Waterproof recessed control unit for therm shower kit 1/2   233.41     122
          790874   TEMPOMIX exposed shower mixer FFM3/4" ~30sec + elbow unions   334.96     123  794000  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer F3/8" ~7sec time flow with stopcocks   275.36      -
          790875   Replaced by 790874                   -   -  79400015  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mix M1/2" ~7sec time flow + stopcock Ø15   278.78     53
          790909   TEMPOMIX recessed shower mixer kit M1/2" plate Ø195 + ROUND   448.70     123  79400015AB  TEMPOMIX 3 AB basin mix M1/2" ~7sec time flow + stopcock Ø15   292.43     53
          790912   *TEMPOMIX rec sh kit M1/2" Ø195 TONICJET(whl stk thn 790909)   463.16     -  79400015CO  TEMPOMIX 3 basins M1/2" mixer ~7sec copper tails Ø 15 conn +SC   389.47      -
          790925   TEMPOMIX rec sh mixer M1/2" Ø15 ~30sec time flow plate Ø195   340.47      -   79400015LD  Replaced by 79400015   -   -
          790927   TEMPOMIX recessed shower mixer M1/2" Ø14 ~30sec plate Ø195   340.47     123  794000LD  Replaced by 794000   -   -
          790970   TEMPOMIX shower mix M3/4" for panels 1 10mm ~30sec time flow   284.25     123  794012  Nanny joint, rec. M1/2" for TEMPOMIX 3 kit 1/2   118.17     55
          790975   TEMPOMIX shower mix M3/4" for panels 8 16mm ~30sec time flow   284.25     59  794050  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mix. M1/2" recessed ~7 sec spout L.110   350.38     55
          790BOX   Recessed waterproof box for shower mixer - Kit 1/2   109.97     122  794050LD  Replaced by 794050   -   -
          791300   Shower alu panel top inlets mechanical mixer sh head 6lpm   686.12      -   794055  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mix. M1/2" recessed ~7 sec spout L.190   399.97     55
          79130015  Shower alu panel top inlets Ø15 mech mixer sh head 6lpm   686.12     107  794055LD  Replaced by 794055   -   -
          791350   Shower alu panel top inlets mechanical mixer + handset   843.73     107  794100  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer F3/8" ~7sec time flow   263.89      -
          791360   Shower panel conc inlet mech mix + shower head   843.73     107  794100AB  TEMPOMIX 3 AB basin mixer F3/8" ~7sec time flow   281.10     -
          792218   SECURITHERM therm shower mix rec ~30sec waterproof kit 2/2    560.54     122  794100LD  Replaced by 794100   -   -
          792219   SECURITHERM therm sh mix rec 30sec +ROUND waterproof kit 2/2   652.91     122  794110  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer F3/8" time flow ~7sec H170mm   287.48     51
          79230015  SECURITHERM thermostatic alu sh panel top inlets Ø15 ~30sec   916.80     98  794120  TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer F3/8" time flow ~7sec H250mm   325.83     51
          792303   SECURITHERM st steel therm shower panel top inlets ~30sec    999.10     100  794150  *TEMPOMIX 3 bsn mix cr wll 110 ~7s spout L110 (stock thn 794160)   262.32     -
          792303CF  Replaced by 792303                  -   -  794150AB  Replaced by 794160                 -   -
          792303DP  Replaced by 792303                  -   -  794150LD  Replaced by 794160                 -   -
          79230415  *SECURITHERM SS therm shower panel Ø15+soap(stk thn 79230015)   1,071.59     100  794155  Replaced by 794165   -   -
          792304CF  Replaced by 792303                  -   -  794155AB  Replaced by 794165                 -   -
          792304DP  Replaced by 792303                  -   -  794155LD  Replaced by 794165                 -   -
          792305   *SECURITHERM alu shower pan.+ soap dish(whl stk thn 79230015)   926.88     98  794160  TEMPOMIX 3 basin F3/8" cross wall 110 ~7 sec +stopcock L110   276.91     55
          792310UK  SECURITHERM therm alu shower panel UK hidden inlets 30 sec   916.80     98  794160AB  Replaced by 794160   -   -
          792313   SECURITHERM st steel therm shower panel back inlets ~30sec    999.10     100  794160LD  Replaced by 794160   -   -
          792313CF  Replaced by 792313                  -   -  794165  TEMPOMIX 3 basin F3/8" cross wall 110 ~7 sec +stopcock L190   324.99     55
          792313DP  Replaced by 792313                  -   -  794165AB  Replaced by 794165                 -   -
          792314   *SECURITHERM SS sh panel back inl.+soapdish(whl stk thn792313)   1,045.66     100  794165LD  Replaced by 794165   -   -
          792314CF  Replaced by 792314                  -   -  794200  Recessed TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer L.110 kit 2/2 (+794BOX3)   317.50     57
          792314DP  Replaced by 792314                  -   -  794218  Replaced by 790218                   -   -
          792320   SECURITHERM therm alu panel top inlets ~30sec handset +fixed   1,021.15     99  794219  Replaced by 790219   -   -
          792324   *SECURITHERM therm SS shwr panel top inlet (stock thn 79239015)   1,183.43     -  794250  Recessed TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer L.190 kit 2/2 (+794BOX3)   331.96     57
          792330   SECURITHERM therm alu panel rear inlet ~30sec handset +fixed   1,016.65     99  794350  TEMPOMIX 3 basin M1/2" exp mix 7sec c-c 150 swivel spt L150   369.82     53
          792334   *SECURITHERM therm SS pan.handset + fixed(whl stk thn792344)   1,183.43     101  794360  TEMPOMIX 3 basin M1/2" exp mixer 7sec c-c 150 fixed spt L150   369.82     53
          792340   *SECURITHERM therm sh panel, alu, top inlet (stock thn 79239015)   1,043.93     -  794370  TEMPOMIX 3 basin M1/2" exp mixer ~7 sec c-c 150 short spout   340.24     53
          792344   SECURITHERM st steel therm sh panel top inlets + handspray   1,145.07     101  794400  TEMPOMIX 3 shower M3/4" exp mixer ~30 sec c-c 150 top outlet   310.66     121
          792344CF  Replaced by 792344                  -   -  794450  TEMPOMIX 3 shower kit M3/4" exposed mixer ~30 sec c-c 150   488.71     121
          References prefixed by * are available while stocks last. References are listed in ascending alphanumerical order.

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