Page 31 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
P. 31

BINOPTIC 2 electronic basin controls /


                            With the DELABIE Connect app, it is also             The " copy-paste " feature allows
                            possible to get usage statistics for                 selected settings to be saved in the app
                            the tap: such as total uses, total duty              and copied to other taps.
                            flushes carried out and their duration,               A sure way to save time when installing.
                            or even the total number of thermal                                                       BASINS
                            shocks carried out.
                            This report can be sent by email.

                            TECHNICAL SUPPORT

                            DELABIE Technical Support can be
                            contacted by telephone if necessary.
                            A report of usage and settings
                            can be sent by email.

                                                             Wall-mounted BINOPTIC MIX 2 Bluetooth  electronic mixer ref. 484010E

          No smartphone, no problem!

          Using a smartphone and the DELABIE app isn't essential for making the main adjustments.
          These settings can also be made directly on taps. Just insert a 1.5mm Allen key in the small hole designed for adjustments and change
          the settings by pressing the button.

                              Thermal shock (red LED)                            Duty flush (green LED)
                              The tap begins a 10, 20 or 30 minute               The duty flush is set to activate
                              flush to carry out a thermal shock.                 24 hours after the tap was last used.
                              This flush can be stopped by the user               It can be modified to 12 hours
                              by pressing the button or by passing               or turned off.
                              a hand in front of the sensor, to prevent
                              any risk of scalding.

                              Detection range (white LED)
                              The infrared presence detection range
                              can be adjusted to suit any set up.

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