Page 252 - water-controls-for-public-and-commercial-places
P. 252

/ Solutions for safety controls

                               SAFETY CONTROLS:

                               In order to address the risk of contamination to the body,   Efficient
                               face and/or eyes posed by harmful chemicals,   DELABIE's safety controls deliver large flow rates
                               DELABIE has developed a range of safety controls.   which ensure rapid decontamination:
                               DELABIE's safety showers and eye wash stations   - Eye wash stations: flow rate 20 lpm at 3 bar dynamic
                               provide users with an efficient decontamination   pressure.
                               facility at the site of the incident, especially during    - Showers: flow rate 96 lpm at 3 bar dynamic pressure.
          Even, conical flow    the initial treatment phase.              The diameter and position of the 74 holes in the shower
                                                                         head are designed for optimised rinsing.
                               The shower head with spray diffuser ensures   User comfort
                               an optimised spray for the whole body. The diameter   The protective caps eject automatically with
                               and orientation of the diffuser ensures an even,   the pressure when the equipment is activated.
                               conical flow.                              The spray heads are fitted with aerators which ensure
                               The spray heads are fitted with aerators and stainless   a gentle spray to avoid further injury to the user.
                               steel double filters to prevent any large debris
                               in the water pipes coming into contact with the eyes.   Quick to install
                               Protective caps prevent dust and other airborne   DELABIE’s safety controls are quick and easy
                               contaminants entering the valve.          to install. A mixed, potable water supply should be
          Optimised rinsing for eyes
                               The controls are easy to access.          considered (DELABIE recommends installing.
                                                                         A thermostatic mixing valve depending on the nature
                                                                         and flow rate of the equipment, see page 151).
                               DELABIE's safety controls are fitted with frost-free   So that the location of safety controls can be easily
                               mechanisms as standard (see below).       identified, green identification signs are supplied
                               They are made from corrosion-resistant materials.  with each item.
                               Frost-free system as standard             Easy to operate
                               Most safety equipment is installed outside    DELABIE's safety controls are designed to be quick
                               or in buildings that are not heated.      and easy to operate.
                               DELABIE's safety controls are fitted with frost-free   Water flows when the triangular handle is pulled,
          Frost-free system comes    systems as standard and can be installed inside    the foot pedal is pressed or the hand control is pulled
          as standard          or outside buildings.                     towards the user.
                               The frost-free system ensures that the riser column
                               and shower head will deliver a proper spray with every   Compliance
                               use (see below).                          DELABIE's safety controls comply with the following
                                                                         European standards:
                               The upstream supply pipework must also be
                         YEAR  protected from freezing temperatures.     - safety showers: European standard EN15154 1.
                                                                         - eye wash stations: European standard EN15154 2.
                                                                         - identification signs: International standard ISO
                                                                           3864 1 covering graphic symbols, safety colours
                                                                           and safety signs in the work place and public places.
                                                                           This standard is included in the European directive
                                 The horizontal                            92/58/CEE standard.
                               section drains via
                                the shower head                          Easy to maintain
                                                                         Standard parts can be replaced without dismantling
                         YEARS                                           the equipment. Maintenance staff can change
                                                                         the parts quickly and easily.
                                                                         The equipment must be checked every 15 days
                                   The vertical
                                 section drains                          to ensure that it is in good working order.
            REPAIRABILITY       by gravity when
                                    the valve                            30-year warranty against any manufacturing defects.
                                    is closed                            50 years repairability.

                                                Water supply

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